Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dressing Up George Rodrigue's Blue Dog!

It's Blue Dog the Angel! 
We have posted on Blue Dog several times in the past.  Click here for previous Blue Dog posts. 
Oh boy.  This was one of those projects that did not evolve so easily.  I wanted to do a Blue Dog project with 6th grade, but I wanted a break from painting on paper.  I thought about it, but the creative block had my ideas contained.  As I usually do, I went to my art teacher friend, Laura Harrison, and discussed my dilemma.  We tossed ideas back and forth and this is how Blue Dog Angel came to be!  Thank, Laura!
Great project for middle school.  The kids really enjoyed the challenge. 

I showed the George Rodrigue video found HERE!
I gave the kids a handout with the pictures you see below with a step by step process for painting Blue Dog.
On the handout, I stated the following:
-Each dog must be at least 16 inches tall.
-Each face must be 8 inches wide.
-Each dog must have at least 2 accessories.
-Each dog must stand independently.

The kids got to work.
They drew.
They painted.
They cut.
They glued accessories with a hot glue gun.
They glued supports on the back of the dog.

Here is a detailed look at the process.
Kristen's cracked me up.  Bahahahahahahaha.

I have really been loving listening to The Lumineers.  Great easy songs with some good, meaningful lyrics.  Like they say, "Let the Sun Shine in Your Hair" and don't have a BLUE DAY!


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