Sunday, January 24, 2010

r.a. miller and mr. opposite husband

by karen #1965 3rd Grade Teacher now i love me some r.a. miller.folk art is my thing.i have a story to tell about r.a. miller and mr. opposite husband or mr. o husband for short.the reason i call him mr. o husband is because we are opposite as can be...but here goes.

mr. o husband and me were involved with this group called leadership these leadership georgia meetings, there would always be giveaways.usually these giveaways would be given at the beginning of meetings to encourage everyone to be on time...we were never in the running to win a o husband's fault, i can assure anyway, they were giving away art done by a local artist, r.a. miller.i fell in love with every single paint stroke i, blue, green...ooooweeee...i loved them anyway, mr. o husband sensed my desire to own some fine artwork by mr. one day while traveling around gainesville, mr. o husband decided to go to rabbittown, georgia, and look mr. miller he did find mr. miller's home.he drove up to a tarpaper shack with his 100% worsted wool and allen edmonds, and proceeded to find mr. miller.eventually, he and mr. miller went inside his o husband noticed the tv was full of mr. r.a. miller asked mr. o husband did he know anything about tvs...and before mr. o husband knew it, he was going to the local hardware store in rabbittown, georgia, to find something to repair the tv.well, he got back to the miller's house and noticed a lady rocking in a rocking chair.she was rocking steady.when mr. o husband started monkeying with the tv, he noticed the snow really started to go fast...and so did the ROCKER....finally, mr. o husband finished working on the r.a. miller took mr. o husband out to look at his artwork in the yard and gave mr. o husband 2 pieces of his art for working on his on Christmas morning that year, mr. o husband gave me the art and the story...i loved them both..........since then, r.a. miller passed away...a few years ago, i was traveling with a friend.i saw the rabbittown exit and zoomed off the interstate.i went down into town and pulled off onto a small dirt road with covered with grass and lined with trees.of course, opposite friend (yeah, got one of those, too), did not even question...she knew me i pull down the road to find nothing...nothing tarpaper shack, no pieces of tv antenna....all of r.a. miller-gone....but....the more i thought, the more i came to the realization that r.a. miller is still around...he is still around in the homes of many all around the country...because of his God given talent...his paintings are hanging for eyes to view and hearts to love..................hey u, don't dance no more with no big fat woman & happy january 24, 2010!

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